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Complete the form below to get started. Questions? Call us at 800.422.4932 or schedule an appointment to discuss after you complete the order process. Click here to schedule -

After you have opened an account a TelePlaza representative will contact you to finalize a pricing plan that works for you.

Setting up your account:

  1. Open Account - Complete the form below to establish a username and password to access your account and create your listings.
  2. An Account Manager will be assigned to your account to coordinate creating your profile with logo, descriptions, etc.
  3. Questions? Call us at 1.800.422.4932 or 402.933.0342 outside the US.
 Company Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: * will be your username
Company Name: *
Company URL: *
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2:
City: *
State: *
State (Outside US):
Postal Code: *
Country: *
Phone Number: * (ie. 123-555-1234) Ext.
Fax Number: * (ie. 123-555-1234)
 Login Information
Your Username will be your email address
Password: * ( 4 - 10 characters )
Confirm Password: * ( 4 - 10 characters )
 Security Question
To ensure site security, we ask that you answer the math question below.
1 + 10 = 

Click here to view an ADOBE file of our Marketing and Pricing Information.