Call Center Management Associations
The Professional Association for Customer Engagement (PACE), formerly the American Teleservices Association (ATA), is the only non-profit trade organization dedicated exclusively to the advancement of companies that utilize contact centers as an integral channel of operations. PACE members include companies with inbound or outbound contact centers, users of Teleservices, trainers, consultants, and equipment suppliers who initiate, facilitate, and generate telephone, Internet, and e-mail sales, chat service, and support.
International Customer Service Association - promotes the development and awareness of the customer service profession through networking, education and research.
American Society for Training & Development - ASTD extensive networking, research reports and assistance, analysis of cutting-edge practices and programs.
The U.S. Direct Marketing Association - Whatever you need to make your centers more efficient -- information, education, networking opportunities or political representation -- The DMA can deliver it.
Association of TeleServices International - ATSI represents over 800 telemessaging and teleservices bureaus in the U.S. and abroad.
Incoming Calls Management Institute (ICMI) - Monthly newsletter Management Review, free access to articles, 15% discount on ICMI seminars and publications.
TSIA - Technology Services Industry Association - We deliver world-class benchmarking and research, peer networking and learning opportunities, and high-profile certification and awards programs.
Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals SOCAP, customer service association helps corporations reach goals of customer loyalty and value-added innovations.
Customer Care Institute Information, research, advisory services, benchmarking, training and networking opportunities for the customer service professional.
Call Center Network Group - CCNG association management training programs -services to facilitate the exchange of ideas and solutions for managing today's call centers.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) - voice of the human resource and personnel profession represents the interests of more than 69,000 professional and student members from around the world.
The Customer Contact Management Association Australia, recognizes all Contact Centre organizations including inbound, outbound, sales or service, and help desk services.
American Staffing Association - representing professional employer services, outsourcing, and other members of the staffing industry.
American Marketing Association - The American Marketing Association (AMA) is the world's largest and most comprehensive professional society of marketers, consisting of more than 45,000 worldwide members in 92 countries and 500 chapters throughout North America.
The Promotion Marketing Association, Inc. (PMA) is the leading nonprofit trade association that represents the multi-billion dollar promotion marketing profession. The mission of PMA, founded in 1911, is to encourage the highest standards of excellence in promotion marketing. As the "voice" of the industry, it represents member interests and promotes better understanding of the importance of promotion in the overall marketing mix.
The Association of Support Professionals - A National Organization dedicated to the advancement of the software support profession...where individual members share ideas, insights and experiences.